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Oct 4, 2022 - Oct 4, 2022

Home / Training / Phoenix Training -Live Online Webinar-Addiction & Connection to Treatment
Phoenix Training -Live Online Webinar-Addiction & Connection to Treatment
Course Description:
This class benefits police, EMS, firefighters, attorneys, correctional officers, children and youth workers and any other individuals who work in, or with, the criminal justice system. If you ask yourself, “why do people use illegal drugs even though it disrupts their life,” this class is for you. This training will apply the model of addiction as a chronic disease and aims to remove stigma and encourage hope. Those enrolled in this course will learn the principles of trauma informed practices and how to have positive interactions with those suffering from substance use disorder. Practical skills such as engagement techniques, Naloxone administration and how to connect individuals to treatment options will also be taught. Those who complete this training will have a better understanding of the disease of addiction and how they can be part of someone’s recovery.
Prerequisites: None
Course Length: 4 hours
Who May Attend: Law Enforcement, First Responders, Attorneys, Corrections, Educators, Counselors, School Staff Members, Health Care Professionals and Community Based Organizations
Certifications: 4 MPOETC credits, 4 Con Ed credits, 4 CLE credits, and 4 CE credits