Our Services
New England HIDTA
Training Initiative
The New England HIDTA training initiative is mandated yet unfunded, at the direction of the New England HIDTA Executive Board. Over the years, the New England HIDTA has expanded outreach efforts, vetted the training programs offered, and selected the most qualified instructors. National recognition and minimal costs also make our training programs more appealing.
Law Enforcement Training Websites
BBS Narcotics Enforcement Training & Consulting – www.bbsnarctraining.com
East Coast Gang Investigators- www.ecgia.org
FLETC-DHS- www.fletc.gov
IIR-Institute for Intergovernmental Research www.iir.com
International Assoc. of Chiefs of Police- www.theiacp.org
International Narcotics Interdiction Association- www.inia.org
LA HIDTA Training - https://lahidtatraining.org
MCTC-Camp Dodge, IA- www.counterdrugtraining.com
MCTFT, St. Petersburg, FL- www.mctft.com
NCTC-NE Counterdrug Training Center- http://nctc.counterdrug.org/
NESPIN, Franklin, MA- www.riss.net
PATC-Public Agency Training Council- www.patc.com
POSTC, Meriden, CT- www.ct.gov/post/site
Police Technical - www.policetechnical.com
Professional Law Enforcement Training – www.pletraining.com