Newtown Police Department

See Registration

Sep 19, 2022 - Sep 21, 2022

Home / Training / 3-Day Crime Scene Processing Course
3-Day Crime Scene Processing Course
This EXTENSIVE 3-DAY class is designed to teach you how to handle anycrime scene. This class will teach you the necessary skills to organize and process any scene, whether a car break, a burglary, or a suspicious death. There is no “Death by Powerpoint” in this class. Participants will use all types of processing materials.
Who should attend? Patrol officers and detectives. Experienced and inexperienced. We start with basics and move to advanced techniques.
Topics covered include:
- Crime Scene Documentation – Photo Logs, Search Logs, Evidence Logs
- Introduction to Photography (Point & shoot and DSLR)
- Fingerprinting for ALL Surfaces, and we mean ALL!
- Footwear, Tire impressions, and Tool Marks
- Trace Evidence – Light Sources, DNA Evidence, Blood Evidence, Hair, Fibers, etc.
- This is the most comprehensive class you can attend! DO NOT MISS IT!
- Court expectations – Chain of custody
We offer hands-on training through practice exercises and provide attendees with all instructional materials. You will learn by doing. No falling asleep in your chair while the instructor drones on about how great they are. Fast-paced and interactive.
Questions can be directed to Forensic Education at 603-234-3769 or email mike@forensiceducation.net
Register at: www.ForensicEducation.net
Cost: $449 pp.
Don’t be fooled by other knock-off training. They don’t come close to what we offer. This class can be used as learning hours for IAI Crime Scene Certification and IAI Crime Scene Photography Certification.