Biddeford Police Department

See Registration

Oct 19, 2023 - Oct 19, 2023

Home / Training / De-escalation & Communication Strategies
De-escalation & Communication Strategies
Cost: $170 per student
De-escalation and Communication Strategies is a one-day course that focuses on the objective decision-making processes and essential communication strategies involved in the day-to-day functions of law enforcement and security professionals. The course places an emphasis on de-escalation and the communication skills involved in reducing conflict, specifically in emotionally charged scenarios relating to mental illness and verbal/physical conflict. Additionally, the course will address risk factors and emotional responses that drive decisions in the field. Students will engage in video evaluations and breakout group activities to collaboratively develop problem-solving and communication strategies and skills. While the strategies and tactics can be applied across the board, it should be noted that this is not a crisis intervention course. The course offering includes:
- Officer Qualities and Responsibilities
- Risk Management
- De-escalation Basics and Strategies
- Emotional Responses and Managing Emotions
- Communication Components and Strategies
- Videos
- Break-out Group Activities
- Scenario-based Case Studies
- Practical Application Role Play
To register for this class, visit GS-PCC.com
For cancellation and refund information, refer to the GSPCC policy on the course submission page