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Hampton PD

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Jun 8, 2023 - Jun 9, 2023

Home / Training / Field Training Officer Supervisor (SAC) Course =June 8-9, 2023
Field Training Officer Supervisor (SAC) Course =June 8-9, 2023
Cost: $295 per student
FTO-SAC is a course that will provide the student with a fundamental understanding of developing, managing, and maintaining a Department FTO program. Additionally, the course will provide students with an extensive leadership block that will enhance their ability to effectively supervise field training officers and recruit trainees. The course will afford students the opportunity to examine required forms and processes that will positively impact their FTO program and agency/organization.
 SAC Course Covers:
- Understanding of components of the FTO course and a field training program under the San Jose Model
- Application of supervisory leadership principles applied to the supervision of an FTO program
- Understanding of forms associated with the San Jose Model Field training program
- Understanding of legal and liability ramifications, including retention and termination vs. resignation, related to maintaining and leading an FTO program
- Practical application of forms, documentation, and principles necessary to develop and supervise a successful FTO program
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