New England HIDTA

See Registration

Apr 14, 2025 - Apr 14, 2025

Home / Training / "Identifying the Imposter"-April 14, 2025
"Identifying the Imposter"-April 14, 2025
"Identifying the Impostor"
Understanding Identity Theft and License Fraud along with altered fingerprint recognition.
COST: $125.00 per student
This program is a Universal Law Enforcement Identity Theft recognition program that will assist you in identifying the presence of an Impostor using a stolen identity. This one-day course will teach participants a new and dynamic method of identifying identity thief’s aka Impostors using multiple State and Federal databases. The instructor will focus on identity thieves using real and matching stolen identities to hide in plain sight while committing various offenses in the New England area with a focus on narcotics trafficking. According to the 2022 report by the Special Commission on Government Use of Facial Recognition Technology there are about 50 known license fraud attempts encountered at the Mass RMV per day. That is just in Mass, Rhode Island has reported similar fraud attempt numbers.
This program teaches a comprehensive study of NCIC Triple I, aka “QH” and “QR,” and how to understand the search results along with information provided from your RMV, State Criminal History and “DQs” from Puerto Rico. You will also be taught how to recognize altered fingerprints. Massachusetts has been recognized by the FBI as being number one in the country for the most known cases of altered prints and this program identified the issue starting in 2012.
Identity theft has become a major problem in the U.S. with millions of victims including the taxpayer. After completing this course, you will be able to apply the technique immediately to identify impostors who are committing several felonies during a traffic stop or during an investigation. You will be taught how to identify and process probable cause, enabling you to make an arrest on the spot or to apply for an arrest or search warrant based on the probable cause you develop.
There is no other tool like this for law enforcement. Since 2014, over 3100 Officers, Detectives, Troopers, Dispatchers, Agents, and Analysts from all over New England, New York and Arizona have attended and many are producing arrest and search warrant applications like never before. The fatal error for the Impostor is to have an interaction with an Officer trained in “Identifying the Impostor.”
You will be able to identify impostors who have acquired valid but fraudulently obtained drivers’ licenses and State IDs and who probably have already been arrested using the stolen identity. Some have even voted and gone undetected until now. We also discuss how to help the victim of the identity theft and the use of the NCIC-Identity Theft File (EID).
This course is listed in Massachusetts on the State 911 Department approved courses.
Pre-registration is required!
Please register only if you are very confident you can attend.
Failing to show up for training once you are registered may cause others to miss this important opportunity.
If you are unable to attend, please notify us as soon as possible so that your seat can be filled by another student.
Registration, Payment, and Information: www.identifyingtheimpostor.com
CONTACT: If your agency needs an invoice, contact James Scott at massimpostor@gmail.com
NEHIDTA CONTACT: Cynthia Rybicki at crybicki@nehidta.org