

Mar 14, 2022 - Mar 15, 2022

Home / Training / Tactical Emergency Casualty Care-LEO
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care-LEO
The TECC Provider Course provides 16-hour classroom course for EMTs and paramedics. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion, a wallet card recognizing them as TECC providers for 4 years, and 16 hours of CAPCE credit.
TECC‐LEO teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a casualty using an orderly approach, safely removing patients from high‐threat situations, and minimizing any further casualties to first responders. Students may expect: extensive hands‐on skills practice using various task trainers, IFAK/Individual Patrol Officer Kit (IPOK) evaluation, and product testing. Students will also be able to participate in a mass‐casualty/active shooter event table top and scenario‐based final training exercise involving tactical maneuver in and around patrol and specialized tactical vehicles.
DRRG may also tailor the TECC‐LEO course to meet specific agency operational requirements and individual officer capabilities (SRO, TEMS support, etc.).
Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of
completion, a wallet card recognizing them as a TECC-LEO provider for 4 years, and 8 hours of CAPCE credit for qualified participants.
Fee: $175.00
To Register -copy and paste this link to your browser-
Course Coordinator Name:Carlo Gabriel Laserna
Course Coordinator Phone:(323) 572-3668
Course Coordinator Email:HQ@dirigoready.com
DRRG, P.O. Box 1252, Wells, ME